

Whitebox goes to the Market!

Whitebox will be at the Meet Market this Xmas season!
We take part a couple of times a year as we love the event and support the concept, plus it is always fun to meet new friends and new participating designers.
So come check out some of our resident designers and their wears :)


Design Event this Saturday at Whitebox!

We are proud to present the Anti-Crisis designs of Olga Mergou, one of the founding members of Whitebox Union and Showroom.

The press release that follows is in Greek and unfortunately will lose a lot in the translation, so just check out the photos for idea of the awesome designs that will be presented that afternoon together with the designs of 15 resident talent and homebaked goodies :)

Η Ολγα Μεργου παρουσιαζει τη συλλογη της με αφορμη την επικαιροτητα...

WhiteBox goes Anti-Crisis!!

Ψηφίσατε;..δηλώσατε, τελειώσατε;;;
Δημαρχίνες, Μεσσαλίνες και Τσαχπίνες!!
Μαζί θα ξεπεράσουμε την κρίση!!..
....Την Ποια????

Εμείς στο WhiteBox..ψηφίζουμε Φαντασία, ψηφίζουμε Φως, ψηφίζουμε Χιούμορ...!!!

Το WhiteBox αγαπά τα κορίτσια με attitude
και πάντα τα έξυπνα κορίτσια βρίσκουν λύσεις!!!

Εξάλλου, μην ξεχνάτε...Λεφτά, υπάρχουν!!

Στις 27 του Νοέμβρη, ώρα 12.00-18.00μμ και για λίγες ημέρες....
η Όλγα Μέργου και το WhiteBox
προτείνουν...πλούσιο Anti-Crisis Management!!!

Pre-paid Glamour...Be prepared!!!

τηλ επικοινωνιας 210-3232343, 6935605541
Πραξιτελους 26, 5ος οροφος
πισω απο μετρο Πανεπιστημιο


An Interesting Cup of Tea ;)

Always loved these custom mugs...

They can be custom created with your own likeness which is super cool!

Otherwise choose from these characters...

a favourite includes the chambermaid and the smoke inhaling nurse ;)

Find these and more Here



Updates :)

... the event we did, inspired by our participation in the Green Design Festival, went very well, almost all items from our guest designer Aggela Mandilari are sold out...
here is a link to some photos...

...we are planning 2 new events till the end of the year at least. One is a fun Wardrobe Redux event and the other a personal exhibition of our designer Olga Mergou...

...we are starting to map out our next moves, including a website and a trade show for the summer...

...and are busy promoting the work of our 15+ resident designer at Whitebox.


This Saturday!


(φωτο Σμαρώ Μπότσα)

Το WhiteBox παρουσιάζει
-στο χώρο του αυτή τη φορά-
τις δημιουργίες των σχεδιαστών του για το Green Design Festival
που πραγματοποιήθηκε το Σεπτέμβριο στο Σύνταγμα.

Ρούχα και αξεσουάρ ανακυκλωμένα, από υλικά με ανατρεπτική προέλευση,
που προκαλούν το θεατή να προσεγγίσει το θέμα της μόδας και της οικολογίας με μια άλλη ματιά...

Παράλληλα παρουσιάζεται η δουλειά της Αγγέλας Μανδηλάρη
που αγγίζει ακριβώς αυτό το θέμα με μια συγγενική προσέγγιση...

"Υβριδικά ρούχα που φέρουν ίχνη των ρούχων από τα οποία προέρχονται...
Παλαιά ρούχα που αποδομούνται, μεταμορφώνονται σε καινούργια, διατηρώντας ένα μέρος από την ιστορία τους.
Ο σκοπός δεν είναι μόνο η ανακλύκλωση του ρούχου-υφάσματος, αλλά και η αλλαγή της λειτουργείας του
...των στοιχείων που το αποτελούν, μέσα από μια διαδικασία επαναπροσδιορισμού τους.
Το φόρεμα γίνεται παντελόνι, τα μανίκια επωμίδες, ο γιακάς τσέπη, η γραβάτα ζώνη,
...και μια καινούργια ιστορία αρχίζει..."

Σας περιμένουμε να δείτε από κοντά όλες αυτές τις ανατρεπτικές δημιουργίες,
καθως και όλες τις χειμωνιάτικες συλλογές των 17 σχεδιαστών του WhiteBox.
Σάββατο 23 Οκτωβρίου
Πραξιτέλους 26
5ος όροφος
Κοντά σε μετρό Πανεπιστήμιο, Σύνταγμα, Μοναστηράκι.
tel. 210-3232343
Facebook Profile Page. Whitebox B Praxitelous
Facebook Fan Page. Whitebox


Green Design Festival

Last chance to visit the exhibition
(we designed the fashion booth)
till this Sunday October 10th!


Green Design Festival 2010

Whitebox @ Green Design Festival @ Syndagma

Το καθημερινό ζητούμενο όταν ασχολείσαι με το design, είναι η έμπνευση...Ειδικά όταν κατασκευάζεις ο ίδιος τις δημιουργίες σου, βιώνεις κάθετί στο έπακρο..οτιδήποτε, το ελάχιστο, θα μπορούσε να περάσει από το φίλτρο των ματιών, του μυαλού και της καρδιάς σου και να καθοδηγήσει τα χέρια σου να δημιουργήσουν!
Και σήμερα; Πόσο παραμένει αυτό εφικτό;
Σήμερα η ίδια η εποχή μας καλεί να....ζήσουμε με έμπνευση! Να γίνουμε δημιουργικοί, εφευρετικοί, αποτελεσματικοί, ανθεκτικοί!
Κι όπως, όταν πάντα στα δύσκολα επιστρέφεις για λύσεις στη ρίζα, στην αρχή των πραγμάτων…εμείς αφουγκρασθήκαμε τους φυσικούς νόμους και τους εμπιστευόμαστε!
Το ίδιο το WhiteBox είναι μια ομάδα που δημιουργήθηκε ως απάντηση σε ερωτηματικά και ανάγκες του καιρού της.
Έτσι, όπως τα πλάσματα της φύσης συσπειρώνονται απέναντι στα δύσκολα και τους κινδύνους, οι καλλιτέχνες του WhiteBox, όπως και τόσες ομάδες τα τελευταία χρόνια, συσπειρώθηκαν απέναντι σε ότι έθετε σε κίνδυνο τα όνειρά τους και περιόριζε το οξυγόνο τους!
Με χαρά λοιπόν βρισκόμαστε εδώ, συμμετέχουμε ως designers και στηρίζουμε το δεύτερο Green Design Festival, μια κατεξοχήν ομαδική προσπάθεια, που επιμένει στην «πράσινη» προσέγγιση της ζωής, με προτάσεις, φιλοσοφία και ιδέες για να διαφυλαχθούν τα αυτονόητα και να βελτιωθούν όσα σήμερα βιώνουμε!

Η Φύση η ίδια αμύνεται, επουλώνει, αναγεννάται, δημιουργεί!
Το WhiteBox εμπνέεται και προτείνει.
Προτείνει τρόπους επαναχρησιμοποίησης των υλικών, «επούλωσης» της φθοράς και των ατελειών τους, τα βοηθά να «αναγεννηθούν» στο τώρα...Από σακκούλες και σύρμα, μέχρι ύφασμα, πλαστικό και καλώδιο...από μπάλες ξεφούσκωτες μέχρι κομμάτια παλιών πολυελαίων...νέες φόρμες, νέες προτάσεις, νέα ζωή...
Βιώνουμε το σήμερα, βιώνουμε το περιβάλλον μας – δεν μας τρομάζει! Το μετατρέπουμε σε έμπνευση, το μετατρέπουμε σε πρόταση υγιούς συνέχειας!



September News!

Hello ...after a long-ish break we are back!

This month
...we are slowly bringing out the new Winter Collections for 2010-11,

...we are welcoming many new designers on board (more about that soon!)

...and we are finalizing our projects for our participation in the Green Design Festival,
which is opening towards the end of September in Syndagma Square
and other locations around the city.

Will keep you posted :)

Happy Autumn, keep your spirits high and your creative juices flowing!


Summer Holidays!

We are closed till what time we will be back with new designs and exciting new projects!
Till then, check this out :)
Take care and have a lovely August!


Green Design Festival & Whitebox

We started seing some press involving our participation in the anual Green Design Festival

Unfortunately all of them have been in greek, but as soon as i spot the english version bound to pop up somewhere i will post it :)

In the meantime check out their link which has english and greek versions but has the info for last years event (still) :)


Lego World

I have seen a lot of lego recycled jewelry around but this simply stands out.
emiko-o reware creates pieces from lego but adds a sophisticated touch with sterling silver and semi precious stones. I especially loved this pair which is sculptural and airy.


Summer Sales Still Strong!

Sale is still going on till we close for the holidays!
Discounts from 10-50% on selected items!
Our opening hours are 12-6pm daily and 12-3 on saturdays.
We might open selectivly during the first days of August,
check out facebook for hours, call us at 210-3232343 or email us :)
In the meantime
take a dip for us in the sea,
we are hard at work preparing for the winter collections!


Winter Preview :)

I know we are still just over our first heatwave and up for more, but i couldn't resist!

Isn't this the cosiest, most snuggly sweater armchair (cover) ever?

you can find it here



To all Whitebox friends ...a short note to apologize for being M.I.A. (missing in action)

The blogger in charge -me- had quite a difficult surgery and it has taken a while to get back on the horse.
I just am managing the virtual world as of yet...soon will rejoin the real world as well ;)

Hope you are having a great summer despite all the bad vibes, be positive, drink lot's of water and accessorize!


MON 28/6
ωρα 8.00μμ

Hail! Hail! Summer!

Στην καρδια του Θερμού καλοκαιριού
Απ την καρδια της καυτής πόλης
Το WhiteBox γιορτάζει
το καλοκαίρι, το φως, την ελπίδα,
την αντοχή, την εφευρετικότητα,
τη συνέχεια....!

Good times do NOT end on Sundays!!
Δευτέρα 28 του Ιουνίου,
ξεκούραστοι απ τις βουτιες του Σαββατοκυριακου
συναντιόμαστε με ολους τους φιλους και τις φίλες
στον 5ο όροφο της Πραξιτέλους (26)
για χαλαρά ποτά, good spirit
και βέβαια, scanning στα special goodies των
καλλιτεχνων του WhiteBox @ special discounts!!!

Το καλοκαιρινό μας trip
Θα ντυσει με τις μαγικές εικόνες και μουσικες του
ο WaNax (aka Γιωργος Παπαιωάννου) and friends
σε μια audio visual
performance-pre launching
του event- εκπληξη για τη νέα σαιζον απο
το WhiteBox, το Σεπτέμβρη!

Hot People-Cool vibes!

WhiteBox presenting WaNax

WhiteBox opening of SuperCool buys!

We Are Having A Party!!!

....Can't miss it!!!
flyer/press release:Smaro Botsa


Whitebox @ TAF. Opening and performance today!

See you there...installations will run till May the 25th! Performance will be today at 9pm and on a later date soon to be decided.

This is the link to the Facebook event for more details!!/event.php?eid=115222655179559&ref=ts


Digipop aka Afroditi Ioannou shares...

What is your name, (age if you want) location and business name?

My name is Aphrodite Ioannou, born in the summer of 1978, also known as digipop.

What do you create/design?

I am a digital illustrator and my main project is customized Digital Portraits from photos. Visit my site for more eye candies: (greek), (english).

How many years have you been involved in your field? How has your work evolved since you started?

I am creating digital art actively since 2006 but I had always been attracted to various forms of art such as photography, drawing and sketching. Slowly but steadily, people started asking about my work and that’s about when I started working on the Digital Portraits concept. Since then, many portraits “have found their way home” and I am proud to say I have many satisfied customers.

Is it a part or a full time job for you? If part time with what other projects or jobs are you involved with?

It is a part time job for the time being. I also work as a secretary and personal assistant to an economist. However, most of my free time goes into my portraits project. Digital illustration has made its way deep in my heart ;)

What inspires you?

Mainly people with positive vibes. Dealing with portraits, I always try to bring out the best in everybody. I also love urban environments as much as nature and music plays a vital role when I’m designing.

What would you consider a unique, individual quality of your work?

I’d say originality. Making customized art directly for each one’s needs. Working along with my clients in order to meet their expectations and make sure that the final outcome expresses them completely. It is a very challenging and creative procedure.

Who was your first supporter or mentor?

Nausika Georgakopoulou ( was the person who introduced me to digital illustration and my beloved teacher. She is also a very talented graphic designer. Check out her work and see why ;)

Who are some of your favourite designers?

I could go on and on forever …
However, I won’t mention huge names such as Shepard Fairey or Tara McPherson for example, but some young people like me whose work I adore. Go on and google them up ;)
Aris Falegos
Manolis Zoulakis
Moka ART
Alex Mavrogiannis aka yellowish
Elina Tsonaki
Giannis Roubanis aka sugahtank
Dimitrios Fwtiou
Olga Tzimou
Stelios Faitakis

(and many many MANY more)

What are some of your favourites websites?

Your new Whitebox blog for one cause it keeps us posted with everything new, fresh and hip concerning design/fashion trends/handmade creations in general ;)

Also: (staying updated with the art world) (online greek alternative magazine) (online greek fresh magazine) (huge database with online mags from all around the world) (craft paradise) (staying updated with tech news) (music according to your mood)

Do you have a dream client or muse?

Nobody in particular. I think each client is considered a muse as my main purpose it to please and express him through my art.

What films, books, trips etc stand the test of time?

The ones carrying the most intense memories and maybe life altering moments. The ones that somehow manage to penetrate my thoughts, dreams and fears.

Something you love and something you hate about living and working in Athens?

I love the positive vibes and the multicultural feeling Athens has. Small neighborhoods in the centre of the city, graffiti, young and noisy crowds. I kind of hate all the red tape and bureaucracy involved in public administration and also the fact that we can’t seem to keep our city clean. I’d love to see Athens cleaner and greener.

How do you promote your designs?

Mainly through the internet. Before making my own site, I have had countless of online accounts (myspace, flickr, dripbook, etc) which I still keep updating. I also participate in various group exhibs and art events. Word of mouth is also very important and it’s always super cool when a person whose portrait I’ve designed, introduces me to a friend.

What do you consider your best and worse quality as far as your business persona?

The worse quality is my indecisiveness and sometimes ‘fear’ in making big decisions or trying something new altogether. I’m working on that …
My best quality I think is the fact that I’m very polite and considerate towards my client’s needs.

What are your plans for developing your work in the future? Any projects, ideas, plans?

For now my heart is set on the EyeCandies Project (, a blog focusing in the fields of art, craft, photography and decoration. I have been receiving very good feedback and I have to confess I’m really excited about the whole process. I also have the chance to get to know more about artists I love through Interviews I organize on a weekly basis.

A second solo exhibition is also on the way. It has been a long time (almost 2 years) since my first one and I really need to express myself through personal projects as well.

How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years time?

Super busy and I hope still very creative. Probably with huge dark eye circles due to the fact that I’m constantly stuck in front of my computer screen hehehe ;)

How can we contact you and where can we find your work?
Facebook: Afroditi Ioannou

It’s been a pleasure! ♥


Some interesting places to visit...

(amazing finds, art, graphice, photography and stuff...all inspired!)

(some creepy but beautiful cake sculptures!)

(online corner for the polaroid,lomo,photography maniacs..check out the stick on lenses for your mobile phone!

the most amazing site for cat-art-freaks

P.S. we are busy with setting up an exciting installation/performance at the Art Foundation, hence the lack of regular posts...we promise we will be back with our regular programming soon and with info on this event!


This is a pretty neat concept.

Even her website has ingeniously titled *Office of Kate Bingaman-Burt* :)

The concept is based on her daily drawings of the daily ordinary even mundane objects she and we consume daily! She then binds a selection of drawings together with one original piece and offers them for sale.

In her own words...

"I've been drawing something that I purchase every day since February 5, 2006. Obsessive Consumption represents a selection of these daily drawings. I draw objects that are rather ordinary: Coke cans, Post-it notes, toilet bowl cleaner-sundry items that a lot of consumers have a shared experience with; items that we interact with, but don't really think about. I love documenting the mundane and, in turn, putting a personal face on something that is mass-produced. I make work about personal consumerism, market economies, guilt, joy, excess, more guilt, gifts, celebration, repetition, and the community of these shared experiences." —Kate Bingaman-Burt



I know a lot of you are looking forward to the new SATC movie...(how obsessed are we?) so here is a link to a short interview of SJP while shooting the Vogue cover. How very Carrie of her :)


New from Anna!

New designs from Anna Economou Handmade... As i fondly call them

...Limited Edition PetLover bags!

I promise to love and cherish...

Well nowdays, weddings don't always last forever, but you are sure to cherish these unique ideas for wedding bands...!

The first comes from Fabuluster at and features rings imprinted with your and your loved ones fingerprints!

The second crazy idea from Sakura Koshimizu at

and are bands with a cut out of your voice pattern and of course of your significant other.

...pretty unique ideas with a deeper sentiment that goes beyond

contrived ideas of unity and marriage...


I love the contrast!

Discovered this Australian artist/illustrator/creative guy

who has a great blog with an even greater title and enjoyed the contrast between his intricate and dark-ish work ;)

Visit the world of Jefferton James here!

p.s. this photograph below was taken by a friend of his while a bunch of people were playing around in a forest on a Sunday??? what was that about i wonder!


The Meet Marketeers strike again!

Don't forget to visit the Meet Market @ Gazi!


...the last part of the style pics from our SATC event!

Cute 50es style tutu outfit! Razzmatazz cloths and Anna Economou clutch
The princess of the enchanting evening! Designer and stylist extraordinaire Sofia Tsopela
aka Razzmatazz!

Asymmetric top by Razzmatazz
Spring is in the air with Marika Poulopoulou *Chrystal* dresses
Kung Fu fighting!
at the end... Mutual respect!
These a-line skirts are made from vintage fabrics and are all unique.
Razzmatazz skirt and vintage clutch.


More SATC @ the Box! (can we EVER have enough?)

The Girls were there!The tutus were there! so were the Cosmopolitans and the Paparrazzi!

In random order, here are the photos courtesy of Smaro (thanks!)....from a night to be remembered for the Carrie's (of course! ...ok, i'll throw in a couple of Samantha's) the fun, the styling, the designs by everyone and the overall merryment :)

The pics are so many, i will post in two installments!
Note: All Tutus were designed by Razzmatazz (aka Sofia Tsopela) in short and longer lengths...We all know these are cute, but who knew they would be so wearable! Also the Whitebox designers created accessories especially for the event and SATC!

Fuschia vision...Necklace {Flu:k} Smaro Botsa, rings Jewels by Jessica, clutch and hair corsage Razzmatazz, Clutch Anna Economou handbags.

All outfit by Razzmatazz!

Marika Poulopoulou aka Chrystal (of the lovely dresses) poses with two creations modeled by cute girls and Anna Economou clutches, Jewels by Jessica necklaces and original vintage pumps!

Thalia Geladaki of the famous Life in Athens blog with our Strigla (quite the opposite!) Xristinaki
Again the girls, while i spy Xristina's hubbie taking a break on the lounger!

The 3 fashionistas!

Mistress of Cosmopolitan Ceremony Anna Economou dressed as Samantha!

Tutu Dress by Razzmatazz and Chrystal dress by Marika and a lovely Mademoiselle!

Here i draw your attention to our Summer decor, the shredded paper installation that is Olga's design for this season! (Do you remember the showroom filled with her paper flowers? or bubblewrap? Always ingenious!)

Girls being busy!

Checking out the new Summer designs!

Quite a pose!

From right to left!... Haritini Krez of the OTHER famous blog The Soho Symposium, Athina Koutromanos of Ermou MAG and Catherine Rippi of Cloe Under the Sky blog, pose in front of the famous Red Wall!

Catherine in a very chic pose with Smaro's designs...

...hugging them actually!

Athena in Angela Rapti Shoes, Razzmatazz skirt, {Flu:k} necklace and Alla bag!


Happy and beautiful!

Razzmatazz tutu, Olga Mergou silkcreen flower cuff and Jewels by Jessica necklace.

Haritini in a Razzmatazz tutu and hair corsage and a (Flu:k} cuff...She is stunning!

A bit of Audrey Hepburn mixed with a bit of Audrey Tautou!

Olga Mergou Blythe pin, Nikos Glavinas clutch, {Flu:k} Bracelet.
More photos coming soon!