What is your name, (age if you want) location and business name?
My name is Stella Galanti, I am 42 years old, I live in Athens.
My business name is Galanti Jewels.
I am Italian, living in Greece for many years now.
What do you create/design?
Jewels, mainly one of a kind, with sterling silver and gemstones.
How many years have you been involved in your field? How has your work evolved since you started?
I started making jewels on 1986.A gradual but strong evolution.
Is it a part or a full time job for you? If part time with what other projects or jobs are you involved with?
It is a full time job, but I am also involved in teaching Face exercise -gymnastics for the face muscles-
(For more information on the sessions contact Stella directly)
What inspires you?
The universe is my inspiration
What would you consider a unique, individual quality of your work?
Pieces of jewellery created directly from my heart according to my source of inspiration in that very moment
Who was your first supporter or mentor?
My mother
Who are some of your favourite designers?
No one in particular. It always depends on what and if I like something
What are some of your favourite websites?
Those concerning things about the universe, and everything it includes.
Do you have a dream client or muse?
My muse is my spiritual connection to the above
What films, books, trips etc stand the test of time?
Those really touching the deepest part of you
Something you love and something you hate about living and working in Athens?
I love working with my partner side by side….I do not hate something, roughness of people bothers me a little bit……
How do you promote your designs?
Through Internet (personal website), through exhibitions (important and less important ones) shops and of course through my beloved friends who choose to wear my creations proudly!!
What do you consider your best and worse quality as far as your business persona?
Best and worse? I cannot lie… if I don’t like something on you, be sure I will tell you!
But I love what I do and I am very patient with people.
What are your plans for developing your work in the future? Any projects, ideas, plans?
Future…let me work in the present to build my future! I would like to open a little shop and sell my jewels…
How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years time?
Beautiful and happy!
How can we contact you and where can we find your work?
You can contact me at the 6932913823 – 210 3245981, or go to my website www.stellagalanti.com. Some designs can also be found @ Whitebox!
Like like like...stella galanti
beautiful creations by beautiful Stella! =)
expressive, beautiful
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